Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance

In addition to the free legal clinic, Home Point’s Homeless Prevention Services include housing and utility assistance programs. These programs provide emergency financial assistance to households facing evictions and/or utility shut-offs. These events often lead to homelessness, and serve as barriers to being housed in the future.

The goal is to stabilize those at risk of becoming homeless, while providing support services to help resolve the underlying circumstances contributing to housing problems. Program participants stay safely housed, allowing children to remain in school, providing continuity for the entire household.

The amount paid depends on a household’s income, available resources, and is subject to some limitations. Commitments for financial assistance are made on first-come-first-serve basis. A verbal commitment may be made upon application but written commitments are ONLY provided upon completion of all documentation and eligibility requirements. Applicants lacking adequate resources to maintain the residence after the emergency assistance may be required to participate in a financial literacy assessment and coaching sessions to develop the skills necessary to remain self-sufficient.

For more information on applying, or for a list of other agencies that may provide similar financial assistance, please contact us at: 214.828.4244.